Wednesday, January 18, 2012

There isn't much to report lately. My hemoglobin has been maintaining betweeen 9-10, which for most people would be low, but I seem to do okay with. I don't have a ton of energy, but enough to do the things that I need to. I still get tired in the evening and I need the extra sleep. But at least I am up when I want to and need to. The kidney seems to be operating fine. I will go back in to have the Nephrostomy tubes looked at in early Feb to see what the long term solution for drainage will be. The retaining of the fluid from extreme swelling of lymph nodes is what caused that part of the problem, so unless we know that the swelling has decreased drastically, which we don't right now, then we need a backup plan to make sure that I don't retain fluid and end up back in the hospital. Other than that, things are pretty quiet right now and I like it that way.

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