Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Its been a little bit since I've written. Since my 40th Birthday "Surprise" Party, I had to fly out to Salt Lake for a couple of days and then we went to Florida for a week to visit some good friends and do a little fishing before the dreaded oil slick makes it's way around the state's beaches and reefs. All of us were able to catch up with some great people that we truly miss from our time there. We have kept ourselves busy and so far, I seem to be holding up pretty well. The party was a great success and meant a lot to us. It was so nice to see family and friends, some that I had not seen in quite a long time. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to be a part of that celebration. It meant a lot to me to visit with all of you.
On the treatment side, the PSA continues to climb and went to 9.9. This was up from 7.7 only 2 weeks prior. The doctors decided to stop the Casodex that I was taking. Casodex works with the Lupron to eliminate testosterone production. It primarily targets the adrenal gland production. By stopping it, they hope to confuse the cancer and slow it's growth. This works in some people for 1-3 months. If it does not work, or when it stops working, we will be on to secondary hormonal therapy. Chemo is still in the picture, but we will try other things before we get to that. The new treatment, Provenge, will likely be tried before we get to Chemo, as well. We were looking at radiation on my right hip, but it surprised me by not hurting nearly as bad as I thought under a good test of fishing and playing golf in Florida, so I hope to keep from going through that until winter. We continue the dietary restrictions and Enzyme Therapy, but won't know for a few months about the results. If my energy and lessening of pain are any indication, the results are very promising! Sorry again for the long break in updates. We intend to enjoy every minute of this summer and sincerely hope that you will all do the same.

All my love,Brian.

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