Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Today's Doctor appointment

Back to the oncologist today to discuss the latest blood test results. PSA has risen to 13.7. This was after being on Casodex for a month and then off of Casodex for a month on withdrawal therapy. The cancer seems to be completely Hormone Independent. The next step will be to search for the availability of Provenge. This is the newly FDA approved Prostate Cancer treatment. It is only offered in a few places and generally has a waiting list. Once we find out if I can get this treatment, I will go on Ketoconozale with Hydrocortisone. I can’t do these at the same time, so I will only do the Ketoconozale if I have to wait on the Provenge. The next step would be Chemo. I will see the Radiation Oncologist tomorrow to map out radiation treatments for my right hip which has grown increasingly painful over the last 2 weeks or so. I also will get a Bone Scan and CT Scan on Thursday and hopefully will have preliminary results on Friday. Say a prayer that the “indeterminate” spots on my liver and lung are unrelated and have not changed or grown. Those are big concerns. We will continue to search and fight. I am still working with the Kelley Pancreatic Enzyme Therapy. We will add some of the juices from the Gerson Therapy, also. Some may call it denial, but it is only denial if you quit fighting and hope you get better doing nothing. We are hoping for big improvements, by working hard. Hope all is well with all of you.


  1. Thinking of you and of your family, Brian... Am praying that Provenge is accessible to you... Hoping this is not political! We were back to see Dr. Munoz last week, and everyone is pulling for you! God bless --- Donna Malcolm

  2. you'll have a bit of a wait for Provenge, but it's probably worth getting on the list. Dendreon has an application process, and word is that it takes 3-6 months to get approved, arrange payment (hopefully through insurance), and all that. There is only one lab in the country that can do the Provenge treatment at this time, and they're booked. Still, it's a new type of treatment and hopefully worth all the wait. Sorry to hear that Casodex didn't do it for you. I only got a few months benefit on a Lupron-Casodex-Proscar mix, so you never know what's going to work for you
