Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The CT Scan results are back and they are a bit mixed. The lesions on the liver and lung are still there, but unchanged. The enlarged lymph node near my right lung is still slightly enlarged, but has decreased a good amount. Those were the good parts, and they are definitely good. The not so good part is that the disease is progressing. The bladder wall has thickened noticeably from the prostate and the tumors have grown up to and possibly into the rectal wall. The increase in tumor size has caused hydronephrosis and hydroureter in my right kidney. This can cause infection at the least, but can lead to long term severe damage if left untreated. The solution is to have a stent surgically implanted. This is a pretty standard and routine procedure, so I am not overly concerned. I have had some significant nausea, lower back pain, and abdominal pain over the last 2-3 weeks, so this pretty much explains why. The concerning part is that the cancer is growing in multiple areas and at a fairly signnificant rate. I have discussed this with my Doctors and the consensus seems to be chemotherapy. There is still a possibility of doing another hormonal treatment first to stabililze the cancer for 2-3 months, but that would mostly be to get the logistics of a 4-10 month chemo regimen in place. They would not expect any long term changes to what would need to be done. I am still working with some alternative treatments. I am not sure if they are slowing it down or not, but we will continue to battle with everything in our arsenal. I pray, much more than daily, for healing and I hope that it is God's will that it happens. Until it does, we will do all we can. I pray for a peaceful and joyous Holiday Season for all of you.

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