Tuesday, February 1, 2011

After Chemo II

I had Round 2 of chemo on Thursday and so far, so good. I was a little nauseated on Sunday, but not bad at all. I have been working on Sarah's dollhouse and have had good energy while doing it, so all in all, I am pretty happy with how I feel. The aches and pains have been held at bay also. I will have full bloodwork done in 2 weeks along with a new CT Scan. This should give us a good idea at how the chemo and the CellQuest is working against the cancer. The CellQuest that I am taking is from a Plantain Tree extract and was used in Cuba during the trade sanctions over the last 40 years. It has had some interesting success stories. Since I am taking CellQuest, my intake of Pancreatic Enzymes is much less. If anyone is interested in the Kelley Protocol, I have several extra bottles of enzymes that I would sell below cost. They can be quite pricey, but hopefully if someone is interested, they could get into this protocol much cheaper. Just email me at brianpca4@gmail.com .
All for now!

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the fight brother! We are praying for your continued success in treatment as well as for your continued strength and peace at home. And of course you will have to update us on the 'open house' party for the doll house your building. Will there be a tea formal? :)
