Friday, February 18, 2011

CT Scan and Chemo III

I had my CT Scan today to see if I was among the 45% that had a favorable response to Taxotere. Good news! The scan showed a decrease in all of the soft tissue tumors. All lymph nodes have returned to normal size. The lesions on my liver now appear to be cysts and not the beginnings of tumors. It was not a drastic reduction, but it was definite and measurable. The CellQuest and Taxotere appear to be setting the cancer back. This was welcome news and we feel that it was an answer to many heartfelt prayers, some by us and, we know, many by you. We can't tell you how grateful we are to all of you, whether you choose to comment or not. We know you are reading and sending positive thoughts our way. The hair is trying to hold on. It has thinned a lot and you can see a lot of scalp when it is wet, but thanks to the classic combover technique, it still pretty much covers my head when it is dry and brushed. Chemo was uneventful today, but it made me tired. I took about a 4 hour nap after I returned home. We met another couple today fighting Stage IV Breast Cancer at the infusion room. While I would never wish this on anyone, the silver linings to this dark cloud are undeniable. Between the incredibly strong people we have met and the strengthening of relationships of family and friends, I am thankful to have walked this path. Seems crazy, but it is true. Life is not a series of day to day activities that lead to an inevitable end. I am living life. Full of love. Full of gratitude. Full of appreciation for the people I meet and the trials that they are meeting and beating. I feel the triumph in the fight of those who battled and lost. Such grace and dignity. The best thing is that I feel. Life is full of peaks and valleys and since I don't know how many peaks I will get to see, I enjoy the view from all of them. Feeling the sadness of the valleys gives life color and texture, too. I hope to see many more peaks and valleys. I hope you can enjoy and appreciate them, too. Whether you have cancer, or not.


  1. Good News! Thanks for keeping us up to date. We continue to pray for your continued strength and recovery and rejoice at the blessings you are receiving through your family and relationships. Your words continue to be inspirational to those you have never and may never meet on this side of glory. We share your story with so many friends, a story of hope and of walking close with God. We miss you and send our love and prayers!

  2. great new!! Hope and pray things keep going in the right direction for you.
