Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Treatment options

I have been emailing a man with a similar diagnosis, Ivan, in Australia recently. Even though I am relatively new to this stuff, it has given me an opportunity to learn and share experiences that have proven to offer support to others. For that, I am profoundly grateful. It doesn't matter where you are in this process. The thoughts, emotions, and hope are of value to anyone who chooses to look at why we are similar, instead of why you are unique. The "Point of the Post" today comes from my conversation with Ivan. While I am doing conventional treatments, I have placed my hope in predominately alternative. Conversely, David Emerson (Big C Blog-See Links) is doing some alternative (nutrition, etc), but is predominately conventional. David is over 5 years from advanced prostate cancer diagnosis and is doing well. I have met many that took the alternative route and they are doing very well, also. That is why I believe that this is such an important, individual decision to take ownership of your treatment plan. Whether it is Cancer or any other ailment. Knowledge is Power. Research helps you to ask the tough questions. Talking to others that you find to have similar circumstances give you real world information and can help you determine your path with confidence. Sometimes the prognosis is a little disheartening, but even if they tell you that there is a 30% survival rate for 5 years with advanced prostate cancer, 30% is not just a number assigned at random. It represents people like us. People with lives and families. A .300 Batting Average could land you in the Hall of Fame! Look for the similarity, but don't be afraid to blaze your own trail if your heart guides you.
My best to all!


  1. One also must remember that the data that drives the "30%" number includes a large, large number of men who, in all likelyhood approached treatment and care in a much differnt manner. I believe that care is made up of many aspects, It's so much more than the doctors and medications. It's exercise, DIET, prayer and a positive mental attitiude.

    remember your sunscreen!

  2. Hi Brian, It's Suzanne's mom. Just want you to know we are here. We have room and a car that you are welcome to at any time. Mark and I would love to visit or help any way that we can. Please give us a call. We can play a game of Mexican Train , watch a movie , or take you on a field trip if you'd like. Take good care, We are thinking of you. Liz & Mark

    Mark cell 619-206-9977

    liz cell 619-823-1530
